30th Annual General Meeting
1. | Date & Time | 16th July 2022 at 10.00 am |
2. | Venue | The Company is conducting meeting through VC/ OAVM pursuant to the MCA Circular dated May 5th, 2020 and as such there is no requirement to have a venue for the AGM. |
3. | Date of Book Closure | 15.07.2022- 16.07.2022 ( Both Days inclusive) |
4. | Financial year of Company: | April to March |
5. | Corporate & Registered Office: | No. 80/2 Lusanne Court, Richmond Road, Bangalore- 560 025 |
6. | Exchanges Listed at: | BSE Limited P J Towers, No. 25 Dalal Street, Mumbai – 400 001 |
The Listing Fees for the financial year 2021-22 has been paid. | ||
7. | Stock Code: | BSE- 526433 |
8. | D’mat ISIN No. in NSDL & CDSL for Equity Shares: | INE867C01010 |
9. | Payment of Dividend: | The Board has recommended final dividend of Rs. 2.50 per equity share of Rs. 10/- each, subject to the approval of the share holders at the ensuing AGM. |
10. | Unclaimed Dividend: | Section 124 of the Companies Act, 2013, mandates that companies transfer dividend that has been unclaimed for a period of seven years from the unpaid dividend account to the Investor Education and Protection Fund (IEPF). In accordance with the following schedule, the dividend for the years mentioned as follows, if unclaimed within the period of seven years will be transferred to IEPF. The Company sends periodic intimation to the shareholders concerned, advising them to lodge their claims with respect to unclaimed dividends. Shareholders may note that both the unclaimed dividend and corresponding shares transferred to IEPF, including all benefits accruing on such shares, if any, can be claimed back from IEPF following the procedure prescribed in the Rules. No claim shall lie in respect thereof with the Company. Members who have not yet encashed their dividend warrant(s) pertaining to the final dividend for the Financial Year 2014-15and onwards are requested to make their claims without any delay. |
11. | Shares Transferred to IEPF: | Pursuant to Section 124(6) of the Companies Act, 2013, read with the Investor Education and Protection Fund Authority (Accounting Audit Transfer and Refund) Rules, 2016 as amended by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs with the effect from 28 February, 2017 (“the Rules”), in case the beneficial owner has not encashed dividend warrant(s) during the last seven years, shares pertaining to such beneficial owners shall be required to be transferred to the Fund established by the Authority. Shareholders are therefore requested to contact KFin Technologies Pvt Ltd, Registrar and Share Transfer Agent with respect to their unclaimed dividends. |
12. | Market Price Data: | The month wise high and low prices and volume of shares of the Company traded on the BSE Limited for period April 2020- March 2021 is given below: |
ASML Volume of shares traded at BSE: | ||
13. | Dematerialisation of Shares: | 95 % of the capital has been dematerialised as on 31.3.2022 |
14. | Market Capitalisation as on 31.3.2022 | Rs. 5700.00 Mn ( as per closing price in BSE) |
15. | No. of Employees as on 31.03.2022 | Male- 1039 Female-152 |
16. | No. of Shareholders as on 31.03.2022 | 15905 |
17. | Share Transfers | As the Company’s shares are traded in dematerialized form, transfer requests are processed and approved in electronic form by NSDL/CDSL through their depository participants. Transfer of shares in physical form are processed by our Registrar and Share Transfer Agent, KFin Technologies Pvt Ltd and approved by the Share Transfer Committee of the Company. Physical shares sent for transfers or Dematerialisation are generally registered and returned within a period of 21 days from the date of receipt of completed and validly executed documents. |
18. | Details of complaints received and solved from 1 April, 2021 to 31 March 2022 | |
19. | Distribution of shareholding as on 31.03.2022 | |
20. | The company does not have any outstanding GDRS/ ADRS/warrants or any convertible instruments. | |
21. | Office locations The addresses and contact details of offices/locations are given in this Annual Report elsewhere. |
22. | Web link where policy for determining ‘material’ subsidiaries is given below The Policy for determining ‘material’ subsidiaries is posted on Company’s website : http://bit.do/ASM-Policy | |
23. | Disclosure of commodity price risk and commodity hedging activities Your Company does not have commodity price risk being in the IT sector and hence no commodity hedging is done. | |
24. |
Non-compliance of any requirement of the corporate governance report of Sub- paras (2) to (10) of part c of schedule v of SEBI (listing obligations and disclosure requirements) regulations, 2015, with reasons shall be disclosed The Company has complied with all the requirements of the Corporate Governance report of sub- paras (2) to (10) of part C of Schedule Vof Listing Regulations. |
25. | Share holding in physical & electronic form as on 31.03.2022 | |
26. | Shareholding Pattern as on 31.3.2022 | |
27. | Investor Correspondence: | All enquiries clarifications and Correspondences Should be addressed to Registrars & Share Transfer Agents or to the Compliance Officer at the Following address |
Registrars & Share Transfer AgentsKFin Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
Karvy Selenium Tower B, Plot No. 31 & 32,
Financial District, Nanakramguda, Serilingampally Mandal,
Hyderabad – 500 032, Telangana.
Email id: [email protected]
Website: https://www.kfintech.com
Toll free number: 040-67162222
Compliance OfficerMs. Vanishree Kulkarni |
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