ASM Smart City Initiative
Urban life is about to change, big time, real time! In the massively changing world, cities of the future have to be sustainable cities! Sustainability can be attained by adopting a lifestyle that leverages economic creativity with a technological approach.
India, like many developed Western nations, is at a technological tipping point. Efficient resource management like mobilizing, monitoring, allocating, optimally utilizing the resources is a necessity. ASM has invested in knowledge and technology to meet the smart city initiatives.
There are initiatives to monitor the environment, manage cities and the infrastructure, i.e. homes and buildings that meet the living styles and informational needs of individuals.

Smart Buildings
ASM is working on bringing Internet of Things (IoT) into places like Malls, Stadiums, Bus stands, Railway stations, Hotels, Exhibition centers with features like Indoor navigation, Bus / Train status, Network management, Footfall information in expos and malls, Microclimate in landmarks for tourists.
Some of the projects initiated by ASM for IoT (Internet of Things) are
Air Quality Monitoring System
The system is designed to measure the level of hazardous air pollutants. The product is modular in design, the hardware is expandable with multiple types of sensors and the software can be dynamically reconfigured/updated.
Some of the parameters sensed are Particulate matter, Temperature, Humidity, Light intensity, NO2, CO2 and CO levels.
The system can be self-sufficient with power harvested from renewable source (solar or wind). All parameters collected are available over the cloud.
Health Monitoring System
A health monitoring system which is a compact cloud based infant-vitals monitoring device that collects and sends parameters such as body temperature, oxygen saturation and heart rate to the cloud. The device constantly monitors the infant and alerts the doctor, nurse and parents in case the vitals are not within the preset threshold .The product adheres to the medical standards IEC 60601-1-8 for alerts. The device uses BLE for communication with the router, the router logs data onto the cloud. A mobile application is used by the nurse and doctor to monitor the vitals in real time.
Smart Locks and Bulbs
ASM is partnering a solution to control smart locks and bulbs using Zigbee and BLE protocol. Smart locks and bulbs are controlled using a gateway.